Memorial Photos

Memorial Photos

Our Guarantee

A memorial picture can help create an extraordinary and memorable addition to any marker.

You can set your mind at ease with the “no questions asked” lifetime warranty.

Photo Grave Markers

A photo grave marker allows for you

to commemorate your loved one on your personalized memorial piece.

Our photo provider has a 'no questions asked' policy with each purchase, and allows for a lifetime warranty. This allows families to have peace of mind when ordering these products. The memorial photos are made of two different types of materials, ceramic and enameled steel. In addition to adding a photo to your memorial marker, you may also want to add a bronze frame. The photo frames come in a variety of shapes, sizes and designs.

Ceramic & Enameled Steel

Enameled Steel pictures are mainly recommended for flat ground memorials

...due to the resilience against all weather conditions as well as the various types of equipment used in landscaping. The enameled steel portrait is a flat and durable material that will set flush with the markers,

Ceramic is the most widely used material for memorial photos.

Ceramic lasts through the tests of time in all weather conditions. however, because ceramic photos do not sit completely flush with the markers, it is recommended to have them be used for above ground markers..

Memorial Photo Backgrounds

Our photo specialists offer a variety of backgrounds to choose from, photo editing and unlimited proofs at no additional cost. It is our priority that you are 100% satisfied with the memorial photo of your loved one.

Request a Quote

To help us assist you in choosing the right memorial for your loved one,

just fill in the simple online quote form.

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